Chris - Author
07/12/2018 09:19
You're better off when using SPLENDA®
Through an amazing scientific process – and a happy accident way back in the 1970s - SPLENDA® has transformed sugar into an extraordinary sweetener: sucralose.
Now that you’ve been using SPLENDA® Sweet Minis for a few weeks, you should be starting to notice a real difference.
Here are some more benefits:
- Splenda® has the closest taste profile to sugar of all sweeteners, so it tastes like sugar.
- Zero calories
- Made from sugar, making it the only non-nutritive sweetener made from sugar.
- Shelf life is high as it’s stable under high temperatures.
- Can be used in hot or cold drinks.
- Can be added to different recipes (cakes, pastries, etc)
Next time you come to speak to someone about SPLENDA® Sweet Minis, why not mention all the great benefits of sucralose? Don’t forget to let us know the outcomes of your conversations in a conversation report, which you can reach by clicking the button above.